I have been doing no poo for about six months now and still going strong. This is my first ever chat forum. I haven’t read all the posts so may be repeating tips. I started mainly because I noticed hair loss which I think is hormonal. Having looked into supplements which were extortionate in price I decided to try no poo to thicken my hair and give it some body. Also my son had been doing it for a year and his hair is great. For about the first three months it went through greasy phases using water only. I confess when my husband mentioned ‘crispy seaweed’ I did resort to shampoo a couple of times when it got too much, but I sort of regretted it a little as my hair lost its body! I don’t think using shampoo took me right back to the beginning- just a little slip up and I think necessary to get through those firs three or four months. Now my hair looks pretty good and not thinning like it did. My tips are bristle brush (I only brush before water rinses) maybe a little talc on greasy roots when needed. I will use a small amount of kids organic shampoo occasionally which doesn’t strip the grease like other shampoos. I should point out I’m 55 with fine wavy hair which I have in a ‘just got out of bed look!’ My latest dilemma is I have my hair colured and will I need it shampooed at the salon once the foils are removed or can they use water only? I’m trying a new salon and I haven’t told them I’m part of the no poo movement ! I guess I just have to ask them. Thank you for reading this post, hope it helps some people-maybe those of you going through the change suffering hair loss- give it a go, what have you got to loose
Well done, sounds like you’re making great progress! I’ve been effectively no-poo for about 15 months now, and I wouldn’t go back, even to the SLS-free shampoos. Actually, I have settled on co-washing with a simple, inexpensive, silicone-free conditioner, and it’s been great for my hair type.
I’m 48, and I have been colouring my roots for ages. I cannot embrace the odd grey patches yet, but they’re uneven anyway, so it would look horrible! I do my roots at home, and actually, I consider doing roots as a proper “wash” - using a box dye is probably not too far off shampooing with strong SLS shampoos.
Now to my point. I haven’t found it necessary at all to shampoo out the colour from my roots. I’ve done the odd highlight with foils as well. I just use water to rinse, and rinse well, then I use my simple conditioner to get the rest of the oils out and to moisturise. I’d say as long as the hairdresser rinses THOROUGHLY, you probably won’t need a shampoo after foils. Of course, just make sure you get proper moisture into the treated hair as well.
Hope this helps!