Hi everyone. I’ve just started not with the whole not washing you hair malarkey, nothing major to report yet but wanted to say hello. It’s been ten days since my last shampoo (I now feel like I’m at an AA meeting, not that I’ve ever been to one!) I’m male, mid-40s, white, brown fine-ish, curly hair. It’s not massively long right now (about 3 inches) and I usually go through cycles of not being bothered to get it cut so it grows out, then just shaving it off when I get sick of being a mophead.
I’ve never been keen on washing every day so probably washed it 3 times a week with shampoo. The other days I would wash it with water while having a shower. I rarely use conditioner and never use any product because I’m not actually in a boy band
I’m using only water at the moment and seeing how that goes; just massaging my hair and scalp under the shower which is a daily occurrence. I didn’t do the initial super-wash to begin with but I don’t feel like my hair is too full of chemicals anyway so hopefully that’s not a big deal. I have had a historical problem with a flaky scalp, which I’m hoping this assists with. So far that hasn’t disappeared yet but the only thing I found pre-no poo which helped is coconut oil.
So it’s been 10 days now, it’s a little bit greasy but not stinky. I do have one question; if I wanted to use coconut oil again how would I wash it out again, as it makes quite for quite a sticky mess!