hi all. I’ve been no pooing for a year now. I have long thin hair, and for many years I have suffered from hair breakage/loss. It has gotten worse with every change of season (usually August and April). The no poo worked like a charm! After only one week there was no hair falling out everywhere.
After 2 months of water only, I started using baking soda and ACV two times a week, since my hair was still very greasy. The results were amazing, and everything was good until 3 months ago, with the changing of season - my hair started to break again. I reduced the soda & AVC amounts, and also reduced the use to once a week. but it’s not helping at all, the breakage is horrible, just like it was before the no poo. so frustrating…
I’m thinking of replacing the soda and acv to something else, what are my options?