I’m considering going no poo and currently I only wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner about every four days, and the other days I do not even get my hair wet at all. Would a similar approach still be possible if I was no poo and rinsing only with water every four days? I ask because I usually let my hair dry naturally, but I don’t like having wet hair, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. Has anyone tried something similar?
You can wash with no poo as little or as often as you require. On days I shower but don’t wash, I rinse my hair with water. I typically wash 1-2 x per week with baking soda/ACV rinse. If I work out alot, I need to wash more often. I often let my hair dry naturally but if I have to work I simply turn my head down and blow dry the roots only so my head isn’t cold. Hope that makes sense. The less you wash the healthier your hair and scalp will be.
Yes, and no. I did not use any water in the first 5 days, since the water makes it look even more oily until your hair is used to no-poo. Then after 5 days I used hot water with vinegar every day to finish getting out any shampoo that was built up in my hair. After four vinegar rinses my hair was clean enough to skip showers for a few days at a time.