I am just beginning this. I used to have very curly hair which, for some unknown reason, has gone very straight. Being almost 60, I have dyed out the gray so I am considering the addition of coffee or walnut to the washes to phase out chemical hair coloring. Because of having colored hair and my type of hair I have decided to go with rye flour washes and periodic egg/clay masks and vinegar rinse finishes with essential oils added. Does anyone have experience with dyed hair or rye flour washes?
I specifically stopped coloring as I’ve aged (I’m 49) and am going grey naturally. Have you considered embracing your grey? Coloring, no matter what kind will be damaging and I would imagine a pain to maintain. I am SO happy not to have those long expensive sits in the salon chair! With no poo my hair may be greying but its thicker, softer and healthier than ever. There’s more to hair than color!
That said - I have experimented in the past with using Indian gentle hair cleansing products such as amla and various hennas - you get a combination of cleaning and conditioning and coloring. I suggest searching youtube for something like henna no poo method and you’ll find some helpful suggestions. The products are cheap on Amazon too. I found they worked for cleansing, but were more drying than baking soda/ACV but the worst part was the mess they make in the shower. Some women have really great success with this method so good luck!